Dr. Nicola Byok

Diversity Strategies

I offer comprehensive diversity consulting from a single source: introductory formats, workshops on various diversity topics and customized diversity strategies. I am confident you'll find the content and formats you need. If not, I will develop something suitable for you.

Dr. Nicola Byok

Diversity Strategies

I offer comprehensive diversity consulting: introductory formats, workshops on various diversity topics and customized diversity strategies. I am confident you'll find the content and formats you need. If not, I will develop something suitable for you.

This is what you get out of it

Diversity is an economic success factor

Your organization's biggest potential is the diversity of people. If you are able to recognize and use the different forms of talent and competence, you are well positioned.
Diversity is a key to success. Its potential is manifold:


Many studies show: Mixed teams are more intelligent and more innovativ.

Full Performance

With the implementation of diversity you gain access to 100% of the talent pool, not just part of it. This is an effective response to demographic change with its shortage of skilled workers.


Diversity ensures a modern and innovative corporate culture that can respond quickly and effectively to new challenges - a clear competitive advantage.

Market Penetration

When you reflect the diversity of your clientele, you better understand their different needs and can respond with appropriate products and services.

Employer Appeal

Living diversity leads to increased employee satisfaction and performance gains. This makes you an interesting employer for the best talents.


Diversity Topics

Diversity Basics

What does diversity mean and why should you address it?

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Getting a grip on stereotypes and unconscious prejudices

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Male and Female Communication

Becoming bilingual and communicating appropriately to the target audience

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Putting together mixed teams and leading them

Making mixed teams successful with good leadership

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What is it even allowed to say today? - Inclusive Communication

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Business Case Diversity

The connection between diversity and business success

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Company Processes


The right strategy for your organization

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Diversity Management

Set up a diversity management
that fits for you

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General Equal Treatment Act

The basics of General Equal Treatment Act

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Diversity and Communication

Good communication takes people along in the diversity process

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Networking in companies

Networks strengthen minorities

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Generation Management

Better interweaving the cooperation of the different generations

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My content comes in different formats, depending on your needs. Click on the format that you would like to learn more about. There you will also find suggestions for topics. And if something is missing for you, please contact me.

These are the companies
I have worked with:

Dr. Nicola Byok

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